Never thought I’d cry over a ceramic plate but I did. 3 words: Mother’s Day gift. This “tearing up” over a personalized plate was years in the making. In these 6 years of celebrating Mother’s Day as a mom, my amazing husband has spearheaded Operation Make Mom Feel Special.


There are 2 main elements that I always look forward to every Mother’s Day:

1) The kids dressed up in tees with special mommy sayings (Chris has been getting these tees since Ellie was a baby.)


2) Chris prepares lunch or dinner with my favorite food in menu. He once spent hours making my favorite dim sum dishes. That is a little crazy! Ah, the wonders of online recipes.

Last year, when he presented me with a photobook, I was so impressed. Sure, the book came out great (nice captions included too) but it wasn’t about the book. It was the effort he took to go through all of the pictures from over the years. I, myself, have always wanted to create various photobooks with all the digital pictures we’ve taken to date.  I would start and then after 3 hours, I’d get frustrated. Ultimately, I’d click the “back” button by accident and…there goes my album. I would have to start all over again. Except, I wouldn’t start over again.


Now this Mother’s day, I unwrap one of my presents and out comes this large teal (my fave color) plate with the hand prints of my kids. Pink for Ellie (her fave color) and purple for Lauren (her fave color). I think I scared my kids when I started getting choked up with my eyes watering. With a quivering voice, I managed to say, “this is so sweet. I love it.”

Really? I’m now crying over a plate?!  In my mind, I’m thinking, “How did he manage to take time to bring the kids to Color Me Mine? This took time and forethought. He didn’t just do this yesterday!”

More than the thought involved in painting the plate, what was most impressive was how “brave” Chris was in bringing the girls to a place where ceramic things were lining the walls. I’ve been telling myself that I needed to bring Ellie there ever since she turned four years old. I wasn’t ready to bring Lauren, my 3 year old though. I envision her touching one of the display plates and the entire row falling down like dominoes. Chris is definitely the much braver parent.

So, those were the thoughts running through my mind when I started to cry over their hand painted plate for me. One day, the kids will understand why parents shed “happy” tears. One day, much sooner, they will accompany me to Color Me Mine. It’s my turn to be the brave one.

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