Suburban homeowners are creatures of habit. Once May rolls around, there is no escaping the purchase of mulch, soil, weed mats, weed control spray…you get my drift. But those aren’t the pretty things. Let’s talk flowers! I always visit local nurseries to purchase the bulk of my annual plants. Although the prices tend to be a little higher, I think it’s important to support local, family-owned businesses whenever possible. After my initial bulk purchase, I then, allow myself to shop at big home improvement stores for “filler” plants, basically anything else needed to fill my planters.

I typically start my flower shopping a few days before Mother’s Day. This year, I had a special Mommy + Me shopping trip with just Ellie. I loved seeing her eyes widen at the sight of the greenhouse followed by her saying, “Wow – so many flowers. So pretty!” It felt good letting her select the colors for me.


After 9 years of gardening, I have found Flowering Vincas to be the best annuals to withstand Full Sun areas in our yard. They were a perfect match for the 4 long, rectangular container pots we have on our deck. Very few plants can last through the entire summer months in that location.


And speaking of container pots, here’s a simple container garden idea, using only 3 elements:

1) Spike (Dracena)

2) Vinca Vine

3) New Guinea impatiens (Use only in Part-Sun areas. For Full-Sun areas, consider Petunias or Flowering Vincas.) Plantercollage

There’s nothing like flowers to enhance the look of our home’s landscape, whether out front or back. I’m excited that some of our perennial plants are starting to bloom. I can’t wait to share some of my favorites with you. Let’s just say peonies are among them!

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